detection and mapping of surveillance cameras
2016 ~ 2020
Blind Spots is a project which aims to create a tool of counter-surveillance. It is divided in two research approaches, Tactics of (In)Visibility:
A helmet able to automatically detect surveillance cameras was created. It indicates to its users when they are being filmed. This device reveals and enhances cameras which are each time more discreet and camouflaged in the cities.
The device also contains a GPS and when it detects a camera, its coordinates are registered and saved on a map (see below), automatically mapping a given route.
A route designer is in development which is able to create routes from point A to point B, in a city, walking only by the blind spots of its cameras.
Here a first prototype of the invisibility route tracer.
In this line of research, I also offer workshops to create tools of invisibility, which are able to overshadow the registered images by surveillance cameras.
Map design: Sara Lana
Routes tracer development: Ewald Santos
download a brief tutorial
Collaborate via Telegram, sharing the camera location with @PontosCegosBot
Clarisse Valadares, Luiza Brina, Maria Vitória, Pedro Godoy, Bizafra, Thiago Hersan